
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Poor little Ethan had to get 9 stitches in his forehead on Wednesday. We were at the bountiful pool and he slipped and hit his head on the slide. It cut all the way to the bone if you opened his cut you could see his skull bone. He was very brave and only cried when they held him down to put the stitches in. The pictures don't do it justices on how bad and deep the cut was. But he is doing fine now.


Brad and Marci said...

Oh man, poor E! You should just be like me and not do fun things with your kids so then that wouldn't have happened. Sorry I am back to being MIA I am so tired and the dang baby is now making me sick. Give E a kiss for me and maybe we should do a Christmas dinner.

Anonymous said...

Youch! Poor Ethan and poor Jackie and Nate. What a stud though being able to handle it so well. Hope you all are doing well and have a Merry Christmas!
