
Thursday, August 13, 2009

This is the hat that Ethan has to wear
everyday! Its a turtle turned backward.
The pic was taken with Nate's i phone, so its
a little blurry. Thats the face that he makes
when you tell him to smile!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

On Saturday we went to a HUGE flee market with some friends of
ours. It started to rain, and when it rains in texas it pours as you can see
by the boys pictures. It was so much fun, I love to haggle prices with the
merchants, and I got some really neat stuff!!!

These are the new pets
Nate bought Ryan and
Ethan, the top turtle is
Ethan's and he named him
Pocket. The bottom one is
Ryan's and he named his

The boys have been into watching Narnia lately, which is a 3 hour long movie. So this is what happened the first time they watched the movie the whole way through. Seeing this almost made me cry. I love it when I see my boys being so loving to each other!
